Belén, Rivas
It's a community located in Rivas, south region of Nicaragua. Most of their habitants are from low-income families.
The garden tries to cover the needs the kids might have during the day, and for their parents to be able to find a resource for food and/or money.

hkrf collaborates with

From qualified teachers, good infrastructure to delivery of school supplies for every student

They make sure every kid has breakfast and lunch to guarantee energy and attention to their sessions

With the help of our medical volunteers, missions are hosted at the school to provide dental care for the kids
what we do
A first time visitor to the Belen Day Care will see happy, well-behaved children learning and playing together. What isn't as obvious is the fact that these 42 children will have a better chance to succeed later in life than many of their peers.
The day care was founded by a Swiss non-profit to meet a need. Single mothers working for $30 a month in the textile industry needed a safe, nurturing place for their children. Eveling and Rosa, two great and committed teachers, run the day care. Their daily duties include teaching, feeding and caring for the children.
The school has a classroom, courtyard and a gathering place. Since Helping Kids Round First began assisting the day care in 2013, they have been able to build an additional classroom. We donate books and other school supplies, shoes, clothing, toiletries, and, of course, baseball equipment. Because most of these children have no access to dental care, we limit candy, reinforce the importance of oral hygene and host missions to provide dental care.
With their mothers working long hours to survive, anything that Helping Kids Round First and others can provide goes a long way.
2020 Emergency Response
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Improving lives through baseball
Every year we bring baseball equipment and provide instruction to youth in rural Nicaraguan communities. Baseball has a unique ability to both bring together different cultures and teach life lessons helping to provide a foundation on which to improve lives.
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